In difficult times, CD’s and DVD’s/Blu-ray help take the edge off and transport people to happier places and times. It brings people together, even when they can’t physically be together. They give you an escape, even when there’s nowhere to go. Optical discs are the best method to store your movies and music, be it CD’s, DVD’s, or Blu-ray. Optical discs are more reliable than flash, longer shelf life than a hard drive and easy for anyone to play, just insert the disc in a player and most often it starts automatically. No searching for files, accidentally deleting them, or negotiating whether you should delete other files to make room for whatever new item you want to store.
You may say, what about streaming? What if the streaming service you subscribe to doesn’t offer the program or artist you want to watch or listen to? With so many different streaming services being offered, it’s getting more and more expensive to subscribe to all of them. Instead, in addition to your streaming service(s), there are many companies offering Movies on Demand (MOD) that allow you to purchase movies and music, even obscure titles that aren’t readily available through streaming. There are a number of options to find great movies and music offerings, so why not take advantage of the time spent at home and escape through the magical world of entertainment.
Beyond traditional Hollywood movies or musicians, there are plenty of other content available and ready to be shared. Watch an old video from your past, how about having the family watch your old wedding video or a child’s music recital? If you can’t attend services for your faith, this is an opportunity to listen or watch the message from your house of faith through a CD or DVD of their service to calm you during stressful times. That way you can still attend service without the risk of being in close proximity to others. There are so many options where a good CD or DVD could be useful to takeaway the doldrums of weeks in isolation.