We all know someone that has thousands of pictures and videos stored on their phone, it may even be you. In most cases, the pictures and videos are not protected and they take a great risk that they never lose or break their phones and lose those precious memories forever. Some add insurance by paying a monthly fee to store their personal image files on a cloud service. That works if you don’t mind throwing money out the window every month or don’t mind risking your privacy if that cloud service should be hacked and your images and videos could be compromised.
I could go over scary scenarios all day on what could potentially happen to all the pictures and videos stored on your mobile phone, but instead I’d rather tell you how easy it is to back up and safely store those files for FREE on your own computer, portable hard drive, or burn them on to optical discs. The answer is the iXflash drive! Using the simple 1 touch back-up solution through the iXflash App on either an iPhone / iPad or an Android mobile phone or tablet, you can back up all of your pictures and videos onto 1 convenient flash drive. Then you can take those files and store them on any device that can read a USB drive.
Here are the main benefits of backing up your pictures and videos with the iXflash over other methods or options:
- 1. Convenience: It’s quick and easy – in just a few minutes, you can back-up thousands of pictures and videos just through 1 icon in the App
- 2. Multiple Devices: You can back-up from multiple devices, including Apple and Android mobile phones and tablets with the same flash drive
- 3. Personal Folders: You can create separate folders to store all the images and videos, especially if they are from different devices or people, in order to keep your files clean and concise
- 4. Maintains Original files: The iXflash App maintains all the original time stamps, locations, image names, photo types (i.e. Live Photo), and much more, so you can easily find or restore those photos onto your phone or tablet without losing anything
- 5. Favorites: You can make certain images or videos favorites so that you can quickly find them anytime
- 6. Not Dependent on Internet: You don’t need internet access in order to back-up or search for your files
- 7. Prevents Redundancy: It won’t backup images that are already stored on the drive, so you don’t waste time and space backing up files you already have.
- 8. Plus so much more ways to make your life easier and safer
Check it out for yourself, we guarantee you’ll find it incredibly easy to use and more helpful then you could have imagined.